Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not as exciting as Illegal Dog Park

Instead of an exciting update about another visit to Illegal Dog Park and the dog-friendly bar Roosevelt's, I went to the Doctor for an infected spider/bug bite on my leg. :(

If you really want to know (possibly TMI) I've got a bacterial infection so I got some hardcore antibiotics. Not all was lost though because Audrey did get to go to the pharmacy with us. While waiting for my prescription we walked around outside Walgreen's and she flipped out at a fire hydrant.

Luckily since I'm a true Dog "Mom" I had emergency cookies in my bag. I introduced her to the fire hydrant from a short distance away and she ate cookies just fine. Unsatisfied with just that, I placed cookies on the lower level of the hydrant and she reluctantly sniffed and then hesitantly ate them off of the hydrant. Slowly but surely I got her to sit and then released her to eat cookies off the entire bottom circle of the fire hydrant. Still unsatisfied, I put cookies on the top level of the fire hydrant and she jumped up to get them and actually stood on her hind legs balancing her front half on the hydrant asking for more cookies! Success!

I forgot to add that earlier this week she attended PetSmart's annual Pet Birthday party and did WONDERFULLY. She met tons of dogs and people and took everything in stride. She was super outgoing and friendly with the other dogs and was even going up to people to say Hello. She was absolutely great and I was so proud of her progress.

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